Comcast on My Naughty List
As my son and I were listening to the radio on his way to Preschool, we got a chance to hear Comcast' commercial for the Holiday's. Comcast, promoting their Digital Cable Television service, decided to bring Santa into it. They came up with this idea that Santa doesn't come to houses that have a Satellite Dish saying that the Satellite equipment, as clunky as it is, got in the way on the roof.
My 5 year old son happens to still remember the day that the DirectTv guy came to put up our new satellite at our house 6 months ago. Watching this man climb to the top of our two story house was very interesting for him and he was very fascinated by what he was doing and why.
As we were listening to this commercial for Comcast, my son took in all the information and felt that we had to get rid of our Satellite if we wanted Santa to come. I tried everything to calm him down and he said we needed to get it down "NOW".. I told him that Santa actually likes Satellite Dish's, because it gives him something to hold on to, and with that, it was decided that we would have to talk to Santa and make sure. "No Chances," he said. So off we went, back to Santa"s Village in the mall, for the 3rd time this year! With the hour long wait, around all of those over excited kids once again, we finally made it up to Santa. I whispered in Santa's ear telling him that He needed to make sure to say he was coming no matter what!
"Can you still get onto my roof, even though I have a satellite dish"
Santa looked at me and I shook my head up and down to make sure he said yes.
My son looked up at him, gave him a thanks and hopped off saying, "just in case I'll leave the backdoor unlocked"
He's calmed down now and knows Santa will be coming Christmas Eve Night, but still very confused about what was said on the radio. Doesn't Comcast realize that children will and can believe anything that is told to them, especially if it's not parents saying it! It's scary to believe that my child was this upset over a stupid promotion that was supposed to be funny to adults but ended up being devastating to children.
Bad Comcast, You're on my Naughty List from now on!